With the feeedback I have gotten over the past week I have fixed up some of the most glaring problems with the game as it currently stands, namely the UI redesign and the missing events.
I have also started going about getting Art for the game, and I've got some semi-bad news. Art is - surprise! surprise! - expensive xP Now don't worry too much, the game will absolutely be finished and V1.0 uploaded at some point, this is just a head up that since all the funding for the game at present comes straight out of my pocket, it may take a little while.
The reason by the way that all the funding comes out of my pocket is because I don't feel comfortable setting up a patreon before releasing any full, finished games. If there is interest for it by the time Episode 1 is finished I might consider setting one up to fund episode 2. But thats a future concern if anything.
Thanks for reading, and thanks to everyone who has written reviews so far, it has been really helpfull <3
With that, have a nice "whatever time of day it is in your timezone at present moment" :3