With the holliday season just passed its time to get back to work^^
In fairness not much has happened since the last update, in large part due to the hollidays. I am however continuing to recieve wonderfull artworks for the game on a semi-regular basis.
I have made a couple of changes though, and for those interested they are listed below:
-Added a brightness slider and a dedicated options menu.
-Moves the already existing option sliders to the new options menu.
-Spellchecked most of the text of the game.
-Rewrote some events.
-And started writing a "compendium" that will be gradually unlocked through the process of the game and provides aditional information regarding the visited locations, items, and anything else I might think of.
The things I am still working on - in no particular order - are as follows:
-Add save-states to the game, currently looking into how I can make them as small as possible.
-Add a main menu
-Finish the compendium.
If you're reading this, you deserve a cookie! go get yourself a cookie :3
Have a nice - insert time of day -. Until next time~